Blood test

How Choose Health's Blood Test Works

Exercise, food, and lifestyle impact your overall health. Occasional bloodwork can help you keep tabs on health markers to make informed decisions in your health journey. Choose Health offers a simple solution for your at home blood test. You can order a kit, safely take samples and send them to our partner labs. Our team will examine all samples and provide a comprehensive report of all health markers. Here's an overview of how our blood test works:

Ordering & Using Blood Test Kits

Choose Health offers a convenient blood test kit shipped to your address. Our practitioners and medical advisors are easily accessible for consultations, so you can determine the ideal blood test kit. Each home blood test kit features lab test supplies and a tape measure. The kit also contains a prepaid shipping package for mailing samples to the laboratory. Choose Health also offers an unlimited subscription to our mobile health-tracking service application.

You can order Choose Health blood test kits online. Our kits allow you to test various markers, including cardiovascular health, insulin resistance, average blood sugar, and oxidative stress. We can also test body composition and visceral fat, inflammation, testosterone, thyroid, vitamin D and many more. The test kit is easy to use and allows you to take blood samples with a single prick. Each kit comes with a clear guide to help you safely take samples.

Read through the guide before you start collecting samples. You can also watch our instructional video. Although our kits only require a prick of the finger, you must follow all precautions. Use the recommended disposal methods and protect your samples from contamination. No lab visits are required. Once you collect samples, you can mail the at home blood test kit for analysis. You won't incur any charges as the mail is prepaid.

Sample Analysis and Recommendations

Choose Health partners with CLIA and CAP-accredited laboratories to provide sample testing solutions. Our test kits are designed to keep the sample safe for running analytics and creating a comprehensive profile. We test various markers and use the highest end-to-end SSL Certificates to encrypt and protect user data. The labs will run tests and create a report that's easy to read and understand. Our labs have the same accreditations your doctor uses.

At Choose Health, you can build your test kit or purchase a standard kit option. A standard kit tests all markers from your cholesterol profile and blood sugar to oxidative stress and inflammation. You can customize the kit to feature specific tests you need. Some people only want to test for insulin resistance or visceral fat. We have a money guarantee program, so if you don't like Choose Health after trying it, we'll give you your money back.

Many people subscribe to Choose Health because we make tracking health markers effortless. We partner with leading labs and offer premium test kits and comprehensive reports. You can get results a few days after mailing your samples. We have a convenient mobile tracking service application through our unlimited subscription. You can also purchase kits wholesale or request a call. We have affiliate programs to help doctors order bulk test kits for their patients.

Tracking Health Markers & Metrics

Choose Health's blood test is the future of healthcare and compliments telehealth models for remote care provision. Doctors no longer need all patients to visit their clinics for simple blood work. Patients can order standard test kits, watch instructional videos, capture samples, and mail them to leading labs. The labs will then analyze and provide reports and recommendations based on the findings. Results are available via the app, which also provides helpful content.

Our blood test kit is designed to help people track their health markers and metrics. You can use the metrics to gauge how your diet, sleep, lifestyle, alcohol, and other factors affect your health. Tracking health markers allows you to make informed decisions based on your overall health. Our goal is to make health tracking simple and convenient. You can take a short quiz and work with our team to personalize your kit for your lifestyle and family history.

The test results come with professional recommendations that can help you improve. Anyone above 18 years old can order a blood test kit to take blood samples. You'll learn more about your nutrition, exercise, sleep, stress, and family history. The goal is to prevent, manage, or treat short-term and long-term health conditions. You can track how multiple factors impact your health and what you can do.

Try Our At Home Blood Test Kit Today

You don’t need to guess whether or not our at home blood test works. We have a convenient program to help you order custom blood tests and get quick results. If you don't like the health tracking service, our money-back guarantee covers you. We're confident Choose Health will meet your healthcare needs and help you track your way to optimal health from the comfort of your home or office. 

Author Info
Written by Choose Health on Feb 10, 2023. Fact Checked by .

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